According to the latest update, the Railway Recruitment Board will release the result soon on the official website. The result will be uploaded only on the official website. Therefore, candidates are advised to check the website frequently to stay in touch with the latest updates. Additionally, according to the official website, all the information regarding the result date, exam, admit card will be on the website only. Therefore, candidates are requested not to believe in any information on social media.
This year, the Railway Recruitment Board Ahmedabad exam was held, and there will be over 35,281 vacancies in the Nontechnical category. It included a clerk cum typist, accounts clerk, timekeeper, and good guards. Not only this, but it included positions for traffic master and traffic assistant. According to the information, over 1.25 core students applied for the exam.
What are the Minimum Passing Marks for RRB Ahmedabad- How to Know the Passing Marks
The minimum passing marks in RRB Ahmedabad depend on the area of the field. For instance, in general, EWS’s minimum passing marks are 40%. Candidates are shortlisted if they score above 40%. The minimum passing mark for OBC and SC is 30%. The minimum passing mark for ST is 25%. Candidates who wish to apply for the above areas of the field should score at least above the average criteria.
How is the RRB Ahmedabad Exam Held?
The Railway Recruitment Board Ahmedabad exam is held in two phases. When candidates fill the applications, they are shortlisted based on their grades and qualifications. Later, the first stage computer-based test is taken. Another computer-based test is taken for candidates who have qualified in the first round.
How to Check the RRB Ahmedabad Exam Result?
This year, the RRB Ahmedabad exam was on 31st July 2021. According to the official authorities, the RRB Ahmedabad exam result will be announced on the official website. Candidates are advised to check the website and download the pdf file. The pdf file will include the roll number of candidates who have been shortlisted. Candidates can look for their roll number on the sheet to know their qualifying status. To access the scorecard, candidates need to use their login details like user id and date of birth.