According to the latest notification, the RRB Bhubaneswar NTPC result 2021 will be announced soon. The result is set to be announced on the 15th of January, 2022. Candidates are advised to check the official website to stay in touch with new updates. This year, over 1.25 applicants applied for the RRB Bhubaneswar exam 2021.
As per the information, the RRB Bhubaneswar exam result will be announced in the mid of January. The result will be uploaded on the official website. The result will be available in a pdf file where candidates can download it freely and accessibly. However, the RRB Bhubaneswar result date is tentative and may change.
This year, the RRB Bhubaneswar exam 2021 took place in seven phases. The exam took place in July-2021. The RRB Bhubaneswar admit card 2021 was released a few days before the commencement of the examination.
What is the RRB Bhubaneswar Selection Procedure
The RRB Bhubaneswar selection procedure depends upon four factors. An online exam, second exam, typing test, and aptitude test. Once the candidates have cleared all the four procedures, document verification takes place.
How Can You Check the RRB Bhubaneswar NTPC Result 2021?
To check the RRB Bhubaneswar NTPC Result 2021, follow the steps given below.
- Firstly, visit the official website of RRB Bhubaneswar.
- Click on recruitment.
- Click on results 2021
- Scroll down and search for the results 2021
- Click on the file and download the pdf file.
- Candidates must look for their roll number. If they can find it, it means they have qualified for the first round of selection.
- Candidates must keep in mind that to apply for the CBT2 test, they must clear the stage one exam.
- Appliances can thereby download the result card for future use.
Important Information You Need To Know Regarding the RRB Bhubaneswar NTPC Exam 2021
One of the most significant facts about RRB Bhubaneswar is that the CBT exam consists of three categories, including mathematics, general awareness, reasoning, and intelligence. Candidates who can clear the first stage are shortlisted for the second stage. The final result depends upon the outcome of all four exams. Eligible candidates are declared for different posts in their district.
In short, candidates need to check the official RRB Bhubaneswar website frequently. Due to fake information on social media, candidates are advised to believe the information presented on the official website.