The Bihar public service commission has announced the BPSC LDC Exam date 2021. As per the latest update, the exam will take place on the 27th of February, 2022. The BPSC has allowed candidates to take books inside the examination hall. This year, the exam will be an open book exam. However, only one book per subject is allowed. Extra notes, papers, and electronic gadgets are not allowed inside the examination hall.
According to the latest notification, the prelim exam will have four-section including general science, maths, general studies, and reasoning. All questions carry equal marks, and the total will be 150. Interested candidates can check the exam date on the official website
However, the BPSC LDC exam date is tentative, and it can still change. Up till now, the exam is all set for the 27th of February 2022. The age limit is between 18 years to 37 years.
How To Check the BPSC LDC exam date
Interested candidates who have previously applied for the exam can now check the exam date by following the steps below.
- Visit the official website
- Click on the subject section on the homepage.
- Click on Important Note:
- Check the date of commencement of lower division clerk, BPSC competitive examination.
- You will be directed into another window where a pdf file will show up on your screen.
- You may download the pdf file for later use.
This time, there are 24 vacancies available for the post of BPSC 2021 LDC. The Bihar Public Service Commission had accepted online applications from interested candidates for 24 posts by doing Lower Decision.
BPSC LDC 2021 exam date and Eligibility
Students who have passed grade 12th intermediate from any recognized board can apply for the exam. They should have the know-how of working on computers. The minimum age limit is 18 years, and the maximum age is 37 years. Interested candidates below 18 or above 37 are not eligible for the exam.
According to the latest notifications, BPSC will shortlist candidates based on two written exams, preliminary and main recruitment exams. Shortlisted candidates will thereby be called for a computer test.
The main exam comprises two sections, including prelims and mains. They both are objective. 150 questions will be asked. Each carries four marks. There is a negative marking. Therefore, one mark will be deducted for every wrong answer. The exam paper will be in two languages i.e, English and Hindi.
There are 24 vacancies, including ten posts for general, four posts for BC, two posts for EBC, three posts for EWS, one female post for BC, three posts for SC, and one post for ST. The admit cards will be updated before the exam on the official websites. Candidates are advised to download it at least seven days before the exam. So, if there is a mishap, it can be sorted out. It is essential to note that the BPSC exam admits card will not be sent to the postal address but rather uploaded on the official website.